Dear Happy Homemaker,
I have a sink full of dishes, an empty fridge, a nonworking kitchen range and a lazy husband. I want a fresh start in life but don't know where to begin.
What do you suggest?
Dear Abby,
Toss the dishes, unwashed, into the trash (bin in the U.K.). No need to do the washing up in situations as extreme as yours. Purchase a hefty supply of Chinette (these are the "nice" paper plates) and plastic eating utensils (there are some very choice upgrades in this arena). Fill your fridge with ready-to-eat comestibles and, on occasion (per your budget), splurge on take-out delicacies. Upon completion of your veritable repast, toss all waste into the trash/bin.
Regarding your reprobate mate: whether to feed him or toss him is totally up to you, dear!
Hope this helps!
Happy Homemaker!