Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Jubilant Child of the Stars


It is time to say good-bye to all that, on this jewel of the earth, has been my lifetime's joy and raison d'etre.

I look upward toward the true home promised me long ago in a dream of genuine and incontrovertible substance: a nighttime's fleeting, subconscious fancy does truly have wings. The need for all physical instrumentality has vanished as quickly as the worry that once attended my every concern over the petty doings of an anxious terrestrial existence. To become one with the cosmos is no vain desire but a fully realizable expectation that, in my heart of hearts, is no less assured than the reality of the Celestial Entities themselves.

Communion with the ethereal elements, begun early on in this poor beggar's life, was scarcely more startling than the visitation to Bernadette at Fatima nor the silent but meaningful dialogue between Francis and his charges of the wood. Music from the Spheres provides all directives that the expectant initiate requires to commence his journey into the sublime worlds beyond.

Taking my leave of the life that I have loved but must now depart, the lowly but jubilant child of the stars bids all adieu ...

Le Petit Prince